Fuselage Kit Arrives

On May 9 2000, I dropped the kit into the garage to inventory the parts. The kit has been sitting in storage at work for 2 months awaiting my slow butt to get the wings done. Due to the lead times, 10 weeks in my case, plan ahead in ordering the kits. Lead time on the finishing kit is 18 weeks. I ordered mine 5 weeks ago while I was still working on the wings.

Like the wings and tail. It is amazing that an entire fuselage is in that little box. Guess that why they call it building. As usual, the kids are always nearby ready to lend a helping paw. These pictures give you a good idea of the size of the box.

I could not find a neighbor home when it came time to unload. This box is well over 300 lbs, but with a strap in hand and a little leg work, I was able to lower it into place. 

Opening the crate is like Christmas. And the packing material is enormous. Vans does a fantastic job crating and protecting every piece. The trash man is not going to be happy with me this week. The kids are not happy either with all this trash blocking their food bowl in the corner.

The next step is to inventory the parts. This is a critical task and can not be overlooked. You do not want to be hunting a piece months from now that it turns out you don't have. Julie made a rare appearance to help me out. I think she just wanted to speed up the process so she could get her car back into the garage. As Julie checks off the pieces, Java (her kid) double checks the count. 

The dreaded parts bag. Several hours spent unloading each paper bag into clear Ziploc's so we can count them now, and so I can find them later. Very tedious, but it must be done.

One very nice piece to this puzzle is the firewall. It is pre-built by Van's and comes just as you see it here. I don't know why they do this, it is the only piece pre-built. Maybe too many people have scrapped too much metal trying to build it. It is a complicated piece for sure. Even got some new clecos out of the deal.


last updated 11/05/2002